Made over the course of only 24 hours, expect more levels to be added soon!

Get the Squid to the whirlpool and avoid having him or any of the bubbles touch the spikes. (If the squid touches a bubble against the wall it also pops. Also bubbles running into him while he is against a wall will have the bubble pop)


W/A/S/D or I/J/K/L or arrows keys: move squid and bubbles

X: Go back to level select

Editor Controls:

Left Click: Change type of block (cycles: blank -> wall -> spikes -> bubble -> exit -> squid -> blank

Right Click: Change orientation of block (only works for wall and spikes)

Shift+C: copy map data (this will be useful in the future, but at the moment if you want to share your map with me you can paste this data in the comments and I might add your map to the game!)

Shift + num key: save map in that slot (currently buggy)

num key: load map from that slot

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